Friday 31 October 2014

All Saints Day

Today, November 1st, the Catholic Church honours ALL the saints - those whose names we know and those we don't. As you know, we talk a lot about the many saints who are in Heaven.

Some people look to superheroes as their role models.

 Some look to athletes

And some look to movie stars.

But the best role models are the Saints right Cloë!

That's right Tallulah. You can never go wrong with them as your role models. They are men, women and even children, who love God and who share that love with others. That really is what God wants from all of us!

Who is your special saint? If you are looking for one or just want to know more about Saints here are two great websites

And finally, here is a delicious tradition from Catalonia, Spain - cookies called Panellets! They make these special cookies to celebrate All Saints Day. Click here for the recipe.

Woof! (Tallulah is trying to say good-bye but her mouth is full of Panellets :)

Cloë and Tallulah

Happy Halloween!

Hey Everyone!

Tallulah and I wanted to wish you a Happy Halloween. We hope you have fun tonight if you are going out to Trick or Treat!

Cloë, I can't believe our master put us in the same silly costumes as last year!

What can I say Tallulah, these humans seem to love to dress their pets up - sigh!

But I am looking forward to all the kids coming to our house tonight.

As for all the candy - yummy! I am particularly loving the Rockets!

For those of you who would like to know more about the connections between Halloween and our Catholic faith visit the fabulous Word On Fire website.

WOOOOOOF! Do you think we scared anyone Cloë?!

Cloë and Tallulah

Sunday 12 October 2014

Saturday 11 October 2014

What If Nobody Came

Hey Cloë I still cannot believe that nobody wanted to go to the party that the King was throwing for his son's wedding!

I mean just think of all that great food that they missed out on.

Tallulah, the point of Jesus' parable was not the food!

It wasn't?

No. Jesus was trying to tell the apostles and the people that God is inviting everyone to His home, but unfortunately many are just not interested. Kind of like the wedding guests in the parable who all decided they had more important things to do than help the king celebrate his son's wedding. 

How can people say no to God, I mean He is God.

Faith is a gift Tallulah, and sadly not everyone accepts the gift.

I sure hope all our readers know a good thing when they see it and hear it.

I couldn't agree more Tallulah! And here is a neat little prayer to pray so that we never forget that gift.

Dear God,
We know that you have invited us into your presence. Help us to accept your life-changing invitation by living lives of love and caring.

Finally, here is one of the Go Fish Songs called Rise and Shine. The people in this video definitely appreciate their gift!


Cloë and Tallulah

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Our Father

Hey Cloë did you hear what Jesus had to say today?

I sure did Talluah, He was teaching the apostles the Our Father.

I think it is so cool that we can all call God "Father".

It was a pretty radical idea in Jesus' time, because the Jewish people never say God's name out loud. In fact they don't even write his name.

Why not try this maze as you pray the Our Father.

Download this and other activities from Brother Francis' website, click here.


Cloë and Tallulah

Thursday 2 October 2014

Activies to celebrate the feast of the Guardian Angels

Hey Everybody!
This just arrived from Lacy over at Catholic Icing. As always she has some neat ideas. Here are a whole bunch for today's Feast Day -  10 to be exact.

Cloë these crafts could also be done after today right?! Those cookies look especially good and I don't know that our master will have time to bake them today.
Your right Tallulah, they can be done another day too!
Have fun! - Woof!
Cloë and Tallulah

Wednesday 1 October 2014

A Special Angel Just for You

Hi Everybody,
Today, October 2nd is the day that we remember our Guardian Angels.

Does anybody remember anything about these special angels?
I do! I do! We talked about them last year. God gives every person their own special angel to look out for them! Boys and girls can call on their Guardian Angel for help and protection.

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here;
Ever this day be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

That's right Tallulah. We talked quite a lot about Guardian Angels in last year's post. A few things to know about Guardian Angels:
  • They are chosen for us by God, Himself, and remain with us constantly. 
  • Angels live in Heaven with God but can also be present to us when God commands.
  • Angels are angels, not people. So even though you may hear someone say that a person who has died is now an angel, this is not correct. (Humans become saints not angels.)
Kind of like I'm really a dog even though I sometimes behave like a human - right Cloë!?

Right Tallulah.

Little Angels is a great website about Zoë and Alex and the angels who look out for them. There are fun games, puzzles, pictures to colour and more!

 Check them out by clicking here.   
(youtube link:
Tonight when you say your prayers, don't forget to have a chat with your Guardian Angel and to Thank God for your special angel.
Cloë and Talllulah