Tuesday 16 July 2013

Baby Moses

Well it's another really hot day! Thank goodness there is always a shady spot for us at church or I think we would melt.

Today we were introduced to Moses!

I know Moses, that is that giant cat!!

No Tallulah, you are thinking of CatChat's Moses, I'm talking about the prophet Moses, the guy who brought us the 10 Commandments.

His story is told in the Old Testament in the book of Exodus. Today we heard about his birth, and how his mom put him in a basket and then put him in the river. The Pharoah, who was like an Egyptian King, wanted to be sure to keep power, so he said all male Jewish babies had to be thrown into the river.

That doesn't sound very nice.

It wasn't. But Moses' mother hoped somebody good would find the baby and take care of him. And the funny thing was, that it was the Pharoah's daughter who found him and brought him home to raise him. Here is a video that tells the story.

Click here to make your own Baby Moses.

Today is also the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! Here is a picture of us with our granny in front of a statute of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

That's her behind us! Click here to read the story.

Our last thing for the day is to ask you to say some prayers for our friend Alex. We heard today at Mass that he is quite sick. He and his mom and dad would really appreciate if you asked God to look after him.


Cloë and Tallulah