Saturday 3 May 2014

It's Been a Busy Week

Hi Everybody!

It has been a really busy week and our master was not able to help type out our blog for us. It was her birthday last Sunday and she had lots of family home to help celebrate!

She told us that things have calmed down so we can get back to more regular blogging.

Today we want to do two Gospels in one! As most of you may know, we are still in the midst of the Easter season. In fact it goes on for 50 days!

Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, but He did not go straight back to Heaven. Instead He stayed to help prepare his apostles for the mission He was going to give them.

So in last week's Gospel Jesus appeared to his apostles who were hiding away for fear that the people who killed Jesus would come for them.

Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." (John 20:21)

Cloë, not all the apostles were there. Thomas was missing. And he did not believe the others that Jesus had come to see them.


He may not have initially believed Tallulah, but Saint Thomas became one of Jesus' greatest apostles. It is believed that he brought the Good News of Jesus all the way to India!

In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus meets up with two of his disciples who were on their way to a town called Emmaus, not far from Jerusalem. The disciples were very sad because they thought Jesus was the one who had come to save the Jewish people and now He was dead. They were so convinced that they had been wrong that they did not realize that it was Jesus who was walking with them.


Here are some ideas to help you remember this Gospel.


Look at the cool craft I found Cloë!

Go to Amy's Free Ideas to download the template and to find out how to make this cool pop up. You will have to scroll down a bit to find this story. 

As the stories of Thomas and the two disciples demonstrate, sometimes it is hard to see God in our daily lives, especially when things are not going well. Try today to find God in the people, things and situations around you.

Well that's it for today. We have lots in store for you next week!


Cloë and Tallulah

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