Wednesday 4 December 2013


Welcome to day 4 of the season of Advent. Today, we thought we would talk briefly about the Jewish feast of Hanukkah.

That's a good idea Cloë, I notice it comes up a lot when there is talk of Christmas. Are the two holidays connected?

No they are not Tallulah, it just happens that they occur about the same time of year.

Hanukkah is also called the Festival of Lights.

Christmas has lots of lights and joy? Are you sure they aren't the same thing?

I'm sure Tallulah. The events that led to Hanukkah happened more than a 100 years before Jesus was even born. At that time the Syrian Greeks took over the temple that belonged to the Jews. Eventually, the Jewish people were able to get their temple back. They wanted to really make it theirs again by rededicating. Part of the ritual involved lighting the menorah, which they needed oil for.

 Unfortunately they only had enough oil for 1 night. But God gave them a miracle and it burned for 8 nights! Just the amount of time they needed to get more oil. Watch this video to better understand Hanukkah.

Is this a holiday we celebrate Cloë?

No it's not Tallulah since it is a Jewish holiday not a Christian holiday. But Jesus and all his friends were Jews so it is helpful to know how they would have lived and the festivals and holidays they would have celebrated like Hanukkah.

I thought Jesus and the apostles were Christians?

Well the word Christian comes from Christ. It was after they met and knew Jesus and after He gave them their mission that the apostles became known as Christians.

That is really interesting, I guess that is why history is important.

It sure is. This year Hanukkah started on November 27th and it finishes tomorrow December 5th.

Just like our holidays, Hanukkah has special foods that are eaten during this time. Click here to check some of them out.

That's it for now - woof!

Cloë and Tallulah

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